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马萨诸塞州波士顿—— 说到图书馆建设,你可以说康西格利写了这本书. 近40个图书馆项目已完成或正在进行中, 百家乐软件 has built or renovated some of the country’s most intricate and historically-significant library buildings. 从 罗斯福总统图书馆 在纽约的公共图书馆 剑桥市在美国,百家乐软件已经成为一个屡获殊荣的全国学习领域的领导者.

康西格利的团队是如何做到的呢? Two of the firm’s latest library projects illustrate 百家乐软件’s special understanding of what it takes to build libraries today. 约翰逊大厦在 波士顿公共图书馆(BPL)2月21日,威廉斯学院的第一期正式开放 索耶图书馆, are the latest examples of the company’s library know-how—from “old world” craftsmanship, 到确保设计意图的施工策略, 公司自我完成工作的能力, 随着时间的推移,给予更多的控制权, 预算与质量.



2014年竣工, 威廉斯镇威廉斯学院的新索耶图书馆, Massachusetts is a breathtaking space that integrates iconic academic architecture with state-of-the-art design and technology. 新的四层楼的设施有很大的, 戏剧性的空间,其正面是历史悠久的斯泰森大厅. 小心翼翼地恢复, this landmark allows the large library complex to fit gracefully within the campus’ historic fabric.

“这是一个巨大的工程. 工程历时三年. The skill and perseverance of the crew was obvious throughout the process and all that hard work paid off,大卫·皮拉考斯基说, 威廉斯学院图书馆馆长.

索耶图书馆项目, 比如康西格利之前的图书馆作品, involved a unique set of skills and experience that are critical to successfully constructing these revered, 历史性的空间. 它还展示了百家乐软件的质量管理计划, 据该项目的负责人说, 肯天野之弥, 是过程还是心态.

“In large construction projects there is often a gap between the design intent and the best means and methods of construction,天野说, 他在一家建筑设计公司工作了十多年后来到百家乐软件. “在历史建筑中出现这种差距的可能性更高, where you are often going off of older or incomplete drawings—you can’t just tear down walls to understand what you’re working with.”

Understanding the existing conditions of an historic building as quickly and thoroughly as possible is critical to its successful renovation. 正是在这里,康西利标志性的自我表演作品让一切变得不同. 拥有300多名内部贸易人员, 百家乐软件依靠公司的木匠, masons and laborers to investigate existing conditions and explore prototypical building solutions up front, 更快地完成最好的项目,避免代价高昂的延误.

除了自我执行能力, Amano says 百家乐软件 is known for its “can-do” approach that often involves taking on unplanned, 介于设计和建造之间的中间地带. 索耶图书馆引人注目的中央楼梯就是一个例子.

The design plan for the unique and complicated staircase involved using reclaimed marble slabs salvaged from the previous building as stair treads. These were meant to be cut and constructed after the installation of a curving wood wall that would anchor the near five-story staircase. But because of the sequence of starting up the permanent HVAC equipment to control atmospheric conditions where this architectural woodwork was to be installed, 需要对木墙的结构进行重新排序, 所以百家乐软件团队改变了方向,迅速行动起来.

“We attempted to anticipate where the wood wall slats would finally be by using a combination of laser scanning and traditional string-lining, allowing us to cut nearly all of the marble stair treads in the shop in lieu of field-cutting a third of the pieces at significant cost,天野说. “本质上, 我们同时安装了两个建筑元素, 当它们本来是顺序排列的时候.”

For Amano, this was all part of our partnership with the design team and our subcontractors.  “Our ability to anticipate the complexity of the intended design allowed 百家乐软件 to step in and take direct responsibility for something beyond typical coordination, 为了项目的利益.”



由著名建筑师菲利普·约翰逊设计,于1972年开放, the Johnson Building connects to the Central Library (the McKim Building) in Copley Square and is a designated Boston landmark. In 2012, the library issued a request for proposals for assistance with a master plan for renovations to the Johnson Building that would: revitalize program spaces and improve user services; better connect the library to the city; and create an inviting first impression. 经过涉及建筑原建筑公司的全面审查过程, 康西格利在工作.

“There is no doubt 百家乐软件 continues to be chosen for library work because of our expertise in large, 已占用空间涉及阶段性装修,吉姆·赫沃说, 百家乐软件 Project Executive on the Johnson Building improvements at the 波士顿公共图书馆(BPL).

BPL项目包括两个阶段, 允许对持续运营的公共图书馆产生最小的影响. Phase I focused on moving and enhancing resources from the first floor to the second in a way that accommodates major upgrades in technology. 项目第二期, 正在进行, 是规模更大,公众更容易看到吗, with the transformation of the current granite wall into a glass curtain wall system that opens up the building and connects it to the street and community.

Hervol said one of the most important factors for the group choosing the library construction partner was the firm’s experience in keeping high-traffic public spaces open during construction—something 百家乐软件 is well-versed in given its work in landmark buildings, 学校和医院. This involves expertise in noise and dust mitigation as well as strategies like overnight demolition, 集结区和安全出口.

“图书馆里的人甚至看不出有什么工作在进行,菲尔·布劳特说, 百家乐软件的BPL项目经理, 指的是该项目的第一阶段工作.

Brault says the interface with the architects on buildings with unique and historic design is key.  “我们从一开始就和设计师们一起工作, helping them to work through design challenges and providing them with information that saves time and money.”

这样做, often involves 百家乐软件’s self-perform crews—the craftsmen who can go in at the start of a project and determine what challenges are ahead.

“This is a real advantage in historic renovations when you typically don’t know what you’re going to find until you do major demolition,” said Brault who pointed to one example where 百家乐软件’s crews were able to disassemble part of the BPL’s landmarked granite staircase to give architects direction and the client a cost estimate very early in the process.

This collaborative approach is particularly helpful in dealing with the strict guidelines that come with “landmarked” projects or those on the National Historic Register where even small design changes require sign-off.
