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Building Today’s 医疗保健 Trends—Regional Medical Centers to Urban Campuses


马萨诸塞州波士顿—— Two top national healthcare construction trends—building to support expanded healthcare services for regional communities, and the repurposing of existing facilities to optimize the efficiency of urban medical center campuses—have come to life in 百家乐软件’s recent work for clients at Milford Regional Medical Center (MRMC), 贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心(BIDMC).

今年秋天,扩建后的MRMC将在马萨诸塞州米尔福德隆重开幕. celebrated the fact that for this community-focused medical center “great care is going to get even better,MRMC的一名护士总结了78名护士的好处,000平方英尺的加法. This expansion reflects the national healthcare trend of keeping the best possible care close-to-home. The new wing increases the emergency department’s capacity three-fold and adds much-needed intensive care and surgical facilities. 精益方法, 包括百家乐软件开创性的Pre-Fab实验室的工作, 是否能准时到达开幕日.

在波士顿, 百家乐软件’s on-going work at BIDMC is helping the facilities team take the best care of their extensive medical campus, and build the renovations that support leading-edge healthcare in Boston’s Longwood Medical Area. For the recent expansion of the BIDMC’s East Campus’ Interventional Radiology Suite, some of the project’s most important work was done before construction began. 确保新套房升级机械的顺利集成, 电气和管道(M/E/P)系统, the team used laser scans of the existing infrastructure to understand what was hidden above the 7,2000平方英尺的天花板.


这是四年来百家乐社区合作, the expansion of Milford Regional Medical Center (MRMC) opened to great fanfare this month, 就在原定计划的三天内, 2010年开发的.  这是社区自豪感的体现, 百家乐软件, 米尔福德的一家公司, was both the project’s construction manager and part of the hometown spirit dedicated to building the new wing as well, 同样迅速, 尽可能.

新的米汉家庭馆增加了近78个,000平方英尺的直接病人护理中心. To meet the growing demand for Milford Regional’s emergency services—from 38,从2000年的000例增加到56例,去年有1000万, the emergency department has increased from 30 to 52 beds and doubled in size to nearly 30,000平方英尺. 重症监护室也扩大了——在这个病例中从4个,600 to 13,000平方英尺—to accommodate today’s advanced life-saving technologies.

是什么让这个医疗中心继续扩张? 一系列施工管理策略, 最明显的是, 百家乐软件的先锋Pre-Fab实验室, 在公司位于米尔福德的总部开发. Used as the manufacturing center for the project’s collaborative team of M/E/P sub-contractors, the Lab made the pre-fabrication of the project’s M/E/P piping racks possible, 这反过来又让百家乐软件加速了这个项目, 同时创造更加一致的项目质量, 以及更安全的工作环境.

而预制件的使用在建筑中并不新鲜, 百家乐软件一直在寻找新的方法来融入它, especially on projects for which it might not seem an obvious choice initially. Traditionally pre-fabrication is implemented primarily on projects of more than 100,000万平方英尺, where the schedule and cost benefits of mass produced components is clear.

百家乐软件的团队, 由项目主管布莱恩·汉密尔顿领导, asked the question “How can we adapt pre-fabrication to smaller scale projects, 所以他们仍然可以收获它的时间表, 成本和安全效益?” Hamilton and his team determined two keys to the success of a scaled-to-fit pre-fabrication program. 第一个, when construction managers partner with subcontractors who do not have their own pre-fabrication facility, 在哪里工作的问题, 是很重要的一个. 百家乐软件 answered this question by transforming a warehouse at the company’s headquarters into a manufacturing facility, 被恰当地命名为“预制实验室”.” The Lab could then be shared by the multi-disciplinary trade teams—in this case the project’s mechanical and plumbing sub-contractors. And this leads to the second key—to partner with sub-contractor companies who are willing to work collaboratively, 与其他行业合作.  在MRMC扩展的情况下,潜艇急于完成这项工作.

新翼有超过50英里的机械管道, 百家乐软件能够在预制实验室(Pre-Fab Lab)中准备好长达数英里的材料. 一次制作, the racks were delivered to the site on the day scheduled for their installation, 无需在现场存储它们, 简化材料交付. 采用这种超高效的M/E/P机架安装, the team was able to move to the next step in the construction process readily.

现在中心已经准备好帮助更多的人, the community-based support that made this all possible can be seen through the finished building: the 50-plus donor plaques that double as exam room signage represent the varied community members that came together to make this expansion possible.

“参与这个项目的每个人, 以及关于它的每一个决定, 心中有一个目标吗, that being: to create a facility that would help us improve the health and well-being of our patients. It is quite literally a dream come true,” said Francis Saba, MRMC’s CEO, at the ribbon-cutting.


Before the work to transform an existing BIDMC East Campus space into the new home for the Interventional Radiology suite, 百家乐软件的团队完成了对这7人的主动调查,100平方英尺面积的现有条件, 确保新套件的有效建设阶段.

在施工开始之前, 我们捕捉到了问号,百家乐软件的项目经理解释道, 肖恩·奥基夫.

使用3D激光扫描该区域的天花板上的M/E/P系统, the team determined exactly where the existing systems were and could plan both the needed demolition and confirm the spatial layout for the new suite. 有了这些准确的现有建筑数据, 百家乐软件 was able to create a building information model to coordinate the integration of the M/E/P system upgrades seamlessly.

With the work to build the new Interventional Radiology Suite divided into three phases, 该团队首先建造了该地区的新阅览室和办公室, 然后是介入放射学程序领域, finishing this fall with the construction of the new suite’s support areas. Each phase has been managed with strict adherence to Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) procedures, 包括使用临时分区, 室内空气质量监测和日常现场清洁. The team’s construction schedule was also developed to mitigate the effect of construction on BIDMC’s patients and staff.

Each phase began with interior demolition and included upgrades to the space’s HVAC, 电, 管道和消防系统, 新分区的建设, 门, 天花板, flooring and millwork and the installation of the unit’s new imaging equipment.

这是过去几年与BIDMC合作的一系列项目之一, 百家乐软件 is also completing a sequence of exploratory and enabling projects for the future reconstruction of BIDMC’s main plaza.